Full Stack Developer

Web Apps, Computer Programming and Lean Solutions

I'm a software developer & coding nerd. My interests include E-commerce, bespoke business apps & solutions, JAM Stack applications, and Food-Tech. My mission is to make bespoke technology and solutions more accessible for all.

Project Portfolio

Here is a collection of past and current projects I have built. Hover for a description and click for a demo. Enjoy!

Checkout my github for full repositories and code details.

Duane with sunglasses

Hello, I'm Duane McDonald

A Passionate Web Developer.

I think the Internet is an incredible place. A tool, utility, and a resource. This empowers us to connect more often and conduct ourselves in a more efficient manner. And I want to take the web further. Technology is powerful, but for some users, this is rather an obstacle. Maybe this is because they are not technically inclined, their tools suffer from poor design or simply a solution that does not solve for them. I see an opportunity for our biggest innovations.

Technical Experience


  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • Python

    Frameworks & Libraries

  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • Directus
  • Holoviz
  • Express
  • Bootstrap
  • Sass


  • Git
  • Github
  • Rest API
  • Graph API
  • VS Code
  • Adobe XD
  • Heroku
  • Vercel
  • CPanel
  • Wordpress
  • SSH

I champion writing lean, clean and practical code. Readability is key. I love testing new versions, features and frameworks. I spend dedicated time every week reading coding and programming news and well as version release and documentation.

Technical Education

Software Development Mastery Inc. (Remote)

The Software Development Mastermind Program is a rigorous, hands-on mentorship program I attended for 32 weeks. The program simulates a work environment by focusing on building real-world projects under deadlines. There is constant feedback, coaching and code reviews throughout the process. It has helped to refine and enhance my problem solving skills, strengthen my developer approach and trust the continuous learning process.

Let's Work Together

I'd love to hear about your next project!

Please use this form and I'll be in touch shortly.